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2024-12-30 励志名言 0人已围观

简介1.承受幸福。幸福需要享受,但有时候,幸福也会轻而易举的击败一个人。当幸福突然来临的时候,人们往往会被幸福的旋涡淹没,从幸福的颠峰上跌落下来。承受幸福,就是要珍视幸福而不是一味的沉淀其中,如同面对一坛陈年老酒,一饮而尽往往会烂醉如泥不省人事,只有细品慢咂,才会品出真正的香醇甜美。 Happiness is to be found within oneself, no matter where


Happiness is to be found within oneself, no matter where one is in space or time. Even in the midst of great turmoil, one can find happiness by seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and learning from the experience.

Don't let others' opinions define your life. You cannot control others, but you can control yourself. You cannot predict tomorrow, but you can make today count.

The value of a person's life is not measured by their material possessions or social status, but by their ability to find joy and contentment in their own way.

Life is like a dream that we are all living together on this earth planet called Earth.

The mind is like a room that needs regular cleaning to keep it clear and free from clutter and negative thoughts.

Life is short and precious, so we should make the most of it while we have it.

8.The choices we make determine our destiny, so let us choose wisely!

9.Smile often because smiling makes us feel good about ourselves!

10.Life has its ups and downs just like a roller coaster ride; enjoy both!

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