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2025-02-26 励志故事 0人已围观

简介文/曹雷。 几天前,各大知名网站都被同一条新闻霸占了头条:李靖正式超越李明远,成为百度史上最年轻的副总裁。那问题来了。这李靖到底是何方人物,为何能成为百度史上最年轻的副总裁? 有点叛逆 出生于1991年的李靖有着这一个年代的同龄人都有的叛逆,他在小学四年级时就展现出了与众不同的思考方式。当时语文老师布置了命题作文“老师,我想对你说……”。一般来说,在当时的教育条件下








高中毕业后,李靖以优异成绩考入武汉大学,并对营销产生浓厚兴趣,大三实习时却处处碰壁。为什么?因为在面试中,Lee Said he knew a lot about marketing.

"What? A university student who had never touched real marketing dared to say he was very knowledgeable about marketing!" This might be what those companies thought inside, even if you are a true "genius", but they would rather believe in the "ground-up" person who climbed step by step from the base.

No wonder Lee chose to stay in school and pursue his Ph.D. at Tsinghua University, where his "genius" identity was truly recognized.

During his research years, Li Jing received a job offer from a company with an annual salary of 3 million yuan, which was quite substantial for a student. However, he turned it down because he felt that this job did not allow him to fully utilize his competitive advantage.

Li Jing advocates for marketing science and strategy and has published several articles with millions of reads online. From 2014 onwards, as the sole author of the WeChat public account "Li Calls," Li Jing released one original article every week on topics such as marketing tips, copywriting techniques, analytical thinking skills personal development. The content covered multiple platforms like WeChat Public Accounts Today's Headlines Sina Weibo Zhihu Column etc., including microblogging app iRabid Awards most popular individual influencer award etc., for example “You Write Self-Boasting Copywriter X-Type vs Y-Type Copywriters” “The market is not always known by people in charge” “Why You Have Ten Years Of Experience But Can't Become An Expert?”

In 2015 Li Jing founded Beijing Receive Information Technology Co., Ltd., leading teams to launch several well-received marketing tools and methods with clients covering BAT Tmall360 Uni E-commerce companies such as South Fu Health Yu etc.. On December 29th , 2016 Baidu announced its acquisition of Beijing Receive Information Technology Co., Ltd., with Li Jing joining Baidu along with his team.

Therefore ,at just 91 years old now twenty-five-year-old 'Li Calls' Lee Sheng became the youngest vice president in Baidu history (source: Southern Finance Interview) Ma Yun once said : She used to be front desk girl now she is VP legendary entrepreneur Guo Zhengli : CEO becomes street vendor unable rise again HTC CEO Wang Xuehong : I can start over anytime

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