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2025-01-08 励志成功 0人已围观

简介90后知名人物胡立阳:我如何勇攀高峰? 很多人认为自己很努力工作,我会说:“你很努力吗?可是你并没有讲话讲到嘴巴流血呀。” 我天生乐观,记得小时候跟别人打架,打到上下排牙齿都掉了,妈妈看到我的模样,心疼地哭了起来,可是我依旧很快乐。妈妈不解地问我为什么?我说:“牙齿都掉了,我从今以后就不用刷牙了。” 从事行销业,我们没有摆臭脸的资格,每天都要笑脸迎人。微笑是会传染的,只要你带着微笑







当面试新工作时,我告诉每个老板I like talking, everyone laughed. Again ask if there are other requirements? I said I don't like complicated administrative work, so I hope to have less administrative work, let me can talk from early to late, and the highest treatment. Every boss heard it all laughed among them, one old man even called his colleagues into the office and asked me to say it again. He thought these three requests were too funny but I didn't find it funny at all because I was serious.

Although many people did not understand my approach or found it amusing when they first heard about my unconventional job search methods with 300 companies each time telling them that "I want a job where I can talk from morning till night" without any administration tasks and high salary; however eventually only one company's CEO took me seriously who liked my straightforwardness and offered me a position of calling 500 clients daily which made others surprised.

Every day from 6:30 PM until midnight or later, I would call clients on the phone for self-recommendation purposes while keeping records of how many calls were made as per company rules. One time when reaching the last call before midnight an unexpected client hung up rudely after hearing loud noises in background during our conversation - later discovered he had severe insomnia caused by loud noises!

My family wanted me to give up this unusual career path but instead of following their advice, they saw how successful and famous became worldwide financial news sensation in Wall Street as "the boy wonder", earning millions annually. Despite being dissuaded by family members regarding returning home for lower paid yet prestigious role at Taiwan Stock Exchange Commission (SEC) Chief Consultant with NT$20000 monthly income equivalent to USD $667/month compared to USD million-dollar annual income in US.

Despite no support from anyone else except myself alone throughout my journey through unconventional choices & paths taken; success is what matters most – becoming different rather than blending with crowd!

标签: 成功励志网伟人成功的励志故事成功励志故事成功励志励志成功