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2025-03-20 【励志人物】 0人已围观
简介1.你觉得最敏感的部位是什么? 2.到目前为止写过多少封情书? 3.洗澡洗到一半没水了怎么办? 4.和男女朋友进展到哪一步了? 5.你觉得一周ML几次最为合适? 6.第一次爱的人对你有什么影响? 7.初吻是在什么情况下没有的? 8.你心里面一直惦记着的名字是? 9.你认为最浪漫的事情是什么? 10.you上次大姨妈是什么时候来的? 11.you最不开心的时候会有什么表现? 12
14.your tongue能碰到你的鼻子么?
17.your 最难以释怀的事情是什么?
18.talk about yourself most proud of one thing?
19.if you love someone who doesn't love you, what would you do?
20.will you have sex with your lover before marriage?
21.say out loud in the room who yesterday didn't take a bath?
22.the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you since childhood is what?
23.when were young, which animation did you like best?
24.cry the saddest is which time and why?
25.with a member of the opposite sex, do something intimate.
26.will there be any relationship between lovers before marriage?
27.how many small films do you collect now?
28.what do you like to do when not happy?
29.now in your heart, who is the person most liked by me? 30.are willing to sacrifice for love up to what extent?
31.do people's opinions matter to me?
32.how can I let him know that I like him?
33.how long does his private part have below?
34.now want to do something most?
35.what if he cheated on her, how should she handle it?
36.what made her feel very moved once upon a time ago was what event or incident
37.if there were reincarnation, would I choose as what kind of being?
38.between those who are loved and those who love them
39.there are things that will definitely hide from another half.
40.because of which event or situation cried so hardly ever could get over it
41.most often dream about something white during daytime sleep
42.which behaviors of girls does he dislike most as men?
43.eat anything strange food ever eaten by anyone else at all times.
44.from mother and father whom more favorite than others,
45.first kiss was never had under what circumstances at age first kissed.
46.and male/female friend how far along in terms of progress
47.in high school hated teacher name any one teacher hated least.
48.choose between two options: those loved vs those loving them back
49.event making her feel deepest sense of emotion - just tell us please!
50.like boys/girls doing some little actions,
51.not virgin yet but feels unloved then - why might this happen too much among friends right now today
52.right now top three wishes are these:
53.age first kiss taken away from whom & where first experienced loss-of-virginity
54.free weekend can meet up with anyone...you interested maybe! 55.am i seen through correctly by u when looking into my eyes; really!
56.survival vs feelings; pick one option only...
57.regretted decision this year so far...what'd make u wish differently then?!
58.feeling down lately...what strategies employ if feeling down?! 59.stole neighbor's fruit (anyone!) while young-teenager era?!
60.body contact w/lover reached level??! 61.before sleeping every night always think about someone...
62.describe preferred image in mind re ideal partner appearance;
63.then ten fingers intertwined w/stranger lookin' deep into their eyes...
64.share dirtiest spring dream act done recently..tell truth here plz!! 65.feeling unhappy; coping mechanisms employed?! Is happiness important enough for u still today after all we've been through together thus far though?!
66.is current lover dearest sweetheart cherished above other loves or not even close yet still seeking perfect match among many potential suitors around town for next big romantic adventure ahead soonish..or maybe already found "the one" already without realizing it yet though??