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2025-03-02 励志人物 0人已围观

简介当我写下这段文字,眼泪不自觉地流了下来。每个人心中都藏着属于自己的真爱。在面对深爱的人时,你是否曾经怀疑自己是否真的在乎?是否曾经诚实地问过自己:你真正爱她吗?我希望你们能认真考虑,不要等到失去时才后悔,那时候已经太晚了。在此,我想大声向你宣告:“我的妻子,这一生我只爱你,一直到老,直至逝世。” 一次偶然的相遇,让男孩深切感受到女孩的魅力,并且深深陷入了爱河。然而,女孩并未对他有所印象。 那一夜










“我也是一个人觉得有点无聊,所以就随意走走吧!要不然我们一起走走怎么样?”girl smiled and said.

“你听错了吧!”male's heart was pounding, as if it would burst out of his chest.

“不行吗?”girl looked disappointed.

“No...I very much like to.”boy spoke in a trembling voice, ignoring his inner warning. He threw away the caution he had been telling himself all along.

boy left girl with his phone number. girl called boy every week to go out together. boy was more than happy about this arrangement.

Each time they went out, girl's friends would joke around saying: “Wow, you've found a boyfriend! Will you forget us when you have a husband?” Girl blushed slightly and replied: “He is my good friend, don't guess wrongly!” Boy heard that he was girl's good friend and felt excited but suppressed it. His face turned red instead but couldn't help it anymore.

As time passed, boy and girl gradually fell into love. Every day they were together; girl relied heavily on him. People around them envied their relationship and joked about how lucky she was to have such an attentive partner like him while she blushed slightly again.

One day while walking hand in hand on the street suddenly saw some people robbing an old lady; boy rushed up to stop them without hesitation; girl also joined hands with him at once didn’t expect one of the robbers from behind prepared for sneak attack on her while male instinctively pushed her down before being hit by wooden club which caused blood streaming down from head injury; seeing this situation the robber ran off immediately leaving behind only two injured parties – male & female pair who embraced each other tightly as tears welled up in both eyes then ambulance arrived taking away injured male leaving grief-stricken female waiting alone outside hospital after several days later when Male recovered just changed overnight became indulgent spending money lavishly bringing girls around ignored Female altogether causing distressing memories flooding back as painful past experiences haunted her soul seeking solace by revisiting places where shared sweet memories unfolded - After few days received letter from someone claiming themselves "Your Husband" ended abruptly -

In this final farewell letter addressed to wife:

My dearest wife,

By now I should be gone far beyond your reach when you read these lines. My dear wife know that I am gone forever because our love has not yet reached its end point though we are not meant to be together – there is no way I can give up loving you no matter how hard I try or tell myself not too see your beautiful smile constantly haunting me in dreams waking nightmares

Oh my dear!

You are going through so many hardships right now! You must take care of yourself eat well sleep well (sleep) make sure life goes smoothly even though i won’t be here beside you

Do find another man who truly loves u married life will bring happiness otherwise stay single live freely enjoy ur own life

This lifetime i cannot give u happiness next lifetime surely ill make sure u get most beautiful most perfect happiest marriage ever promised

Ahhhhhh!! There are so many more things I want say...

Wife listen loud clear:

Next Time marry ME!!! Ill keep my promise Wife Love U till eternity

Girl finally finished reading the letter sobbing uncontrollably crying loudly towards sky:

Old Husband No Next Time Just This Life Please Don’t Leave Me

标签: 中外名人勤奋而成功的励志故事名人简短事例30字左右免费励志图片名人励志故事素材简短2021热点爱国人物素材