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2025-01-31 励志人物 0人已围观

简介原谅我吧!我知道错了,你若不能原谅我的话,那就不断的打电话骂我吧!我原意被你骂到老! 你是心,你是肝,你是我生命四分之三;惹你气,惹你烦,我是彻彻底底悔不完;随你罚,随你怨,就算跪死我也心甘愿;求老婆,原谅我,只要你接受我道歉,洗碗做饭我全包干! 你的无心伤害,伤的是你,痛的是我。 不管对错,在 这美丽的一天,我想说对不起。如果我们在茫茫人海中的相识是上天安排的缘份,就让我们从头来过。 亲爱的




不管对错,在 这美丽的一天,我想说对不起。如果我们在茫茫人海中的相识是上天安排的缘份,就让我们从头来过。


I am sorry,我错了,我不好,你不要生气了,气坏了身体不好的,你就原谅我吧!

我允许过你I want to be transparent in front of you, so everything I say is from the bottom of my heart, even if it hurts you, please forgive me.


你的香气吸引着我;你的灵气蛊惑着我;你的秀气迷恋着了 我 ;你的才气征服了 我 ;你的脾氣吓坏了 我 ;拜托消氣,不要吓跑 我 ,求您赶快原諒!

10、I made a mistake; I don't deserve your forgiveness; but if there's one thing that might change my mind about that, it's hearing your voice again.

11、My dear wife: My love for you is as deep as the ocean and as wide as the sky! Please forgive me for my mistakes and give me another chance to prove myself.

12、My dear wife: You are more precious than all the treasures in this world combined! Please don't let our quarrels ruin our relationship.

13、If only men could understand how much they are loved by their wives when they make them happy instead of causing them pain... Then we would all live happily ever after!

14、You can either choose to hold onto anger or let go and move forward with love in your hearts...

15、Let us cherish each other every day and not let misunderstandings tear us apart...

16., If only men could understand how much they are loved by their wives when they make them happy instead of causing them pain... Then we would all live happily ever after!

17., You can either choose to hold onto anger or let go and move forward with love in your hearts...

18., Let us cherish each other every day and not let misunderstandings tear us apart...

19., My dear wife: My love for you is like an endless river flowing through time... No matter what happens between us, know that my heart belongs to you forevermore.

20., The stars may have led us together once upon a time but now it's up to both of us to keep our bond strong against any stormy weather ahead...

标签: 冷门的历史人物故事励志人物及故事中国正能量人物事迹200字内涵励志图片 正能量不带字励志小故事大道理