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2025-01-31 【励志人物】 0人已围观
简介你是大眼睛,长睫毛,我爱的人。我可以和你在一起时,包容你的一切一切。拉拉勾,不放手谁先放手谁小狗。不怕受伤,只怕你不快乐。如果你决定闯荡世界,我风里雨里陪你。你说不要再听见我的名字,为何还转了头?有时我耳朵不太灵光,你可以咬着我的耳朵说悄悄话。 我们上辈子是不是见过,相爱过?感情是由大脑控制的,却是用心脏来疼的。我不想再让你孤单的等一个人,我不忍让你孤单。在回去的日子里我要和你在同一个城市。现在
一样的时光流转,不一样的心情感动。让我感觉到你的爱。这一季,有可爱的阳光、和煦的微风,只因为我认识了你。我不在意你一无所有,只要你足够爱我。我可以商场里漂亮衣服诱惑,因为我要为you省下几天生活费;可以不顾长途跋涉恐惧,因为I want to see you.
因为爱情的缘故,两个陌生人可以突然熟络到睡在同一张床上。然而相同两个人,在分手时却说,我觉得you越来越陌生。你什么时候穿着白色婚纱站在my眼前想要看到的是回头有you. I want to be with you, walk through many places with you.
I am heartless and stupid, but pamper you and love you. Just that one moment, just one sentence, made my soul tremble in a way it never had before. A few simple words made my heart feel so warm; as if in this moment I found solace. His words were so sincere and simple yet so touching; in comparison to vows of sea and mountain or wind and moon, they seemed pale.
You are the only one who makes me proud to stand before you and point at my chest saying here is where there is You! It's not that I like your beauty but it's just that the person I like happens to be beautiful too. This time can we change it so that you're crazy about me?
Your name is the most beautiful word I've ever heard! Without you, I won't be myself anymore. Let's eat on time especially breakfast; we won't gain weight because we're together so let's eat strongly.
What are you thinking about all day? Are you always thinking of me? Take out your phone by 10 o'clock or else... Because not everyone loves someone as much as I do.
In this lifetime finding a loving partner is hard enough; no matter if it's now or far away into the future, let us protect each other today's love forever holding hands (www.lz13.cn) going forward together.
We may quarrel sometimes maybe even ignore each other but soon enough i'll find a way back to make things right when that time comes please give me an out.
Do not like anything except for You perhaps? Because of You even air tastes sweet thank You for being so determined towards me i have something very common but never said before - i love You!
Since choosing You was my decision then let’s decide once for all life after life walking hand in hand together again no matter how many times we fall down because there is You