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2025-01-31 【励志人物】 0人已围观
简介原谅我吧!我知道错了,你若不能原谅我的话,那就不断的打电话骂我吧!我原意被你骂到老! 你是心,你是肝,你是我生命四分之三;惹你气,惹你烦,我是彻彻底底悔不完;随你罚,随你怨,就算跪死我也心甘愿;求老婆,原谅我,只要你接受我的道歉,洗碗做饭我全包干! 你的无心伤害,伤的是你,痛的是我。 不管对错,在这美丽的一天,我想说对不起。如果我们在茫茫人海中的相识是上天安排的缘份,就让我们从头来过。 亲爱的
I am sorry,我错了,我不好,你不要生气了,气坏了身体不好的。你就原谅我吧!
10、I know that, and I'm sorry for my mistake, please forgive me! Just like Dou E from the legend, I am innocent and have been wronged.
11、I only want to say: it's not on purpose to make you angry; because I love you so much, don't want to talk too much just ask for your forgiveness, I love you!
12、Though I often cause you anger but this is not my intention; how much do i love you? Love until willing to give up life; i am wrong i repent; i am guilty i must atone; it is my fault i should apologize dear please forgive me.
13、If men can't get the woman's forgiveness even if they have gold under their knees.I kneel down with a sincere apology!
14、The foolish one makes people sad while the wise one brings joy; once foolish now wise let me prove myself to be a smart man asking for your forgiveness and seeking pardon from my mistakes.
15、Meeting brings us happiness as blue sky white clouds float by owning makes our hearts bloom like flowers in springtime misunderstanding ruins our souls like shifting sands let's look back at each other with smiles True words come from the heart saying sorry hoping you'll forgive me.
16、It wasn't right what we did but it was all mine fault which made you angry so hurtful so painful remember when looking into those scared eyes forgiving would be nice
17..Don't hold onto past grievances or grudges keep moving forward together let go of yesterday’s pain and embrace today’s hope
18.,All mine fault don’t get mad again being mad doesn’t suit your beauty
19.,My mistake! The lovely lady who takes care of home is intelligent kind-hearted always considerate her understanding nature has never been appreciated by me sincerely apologizing asking for your mercy
20.,Perhaps due to my immaturity hurting your feelings unintentionally don’t continue using past pains against yourself there’s no malice in my heart towards yours!
21.,My phone will stay open waiting for any message from you if forgiven allow me another chance
22.,All mine talking nonsense causing trouble against ya...Sorry won’t do it anymore Please Forgive Me!!
23.,No need cold silence or ignore accept apologies show some warmth help end this sorrow before regret becomes permanent proof of unrequited love shows acceptance true remorse seeks peace through reconciliation surrendering pride embracing grace may wounds heal time reveal true devotion shared journey rekindled trust grow stronger hand in hand walk through tomorrow together never apart
24.,Forgive Me My Dear Life Is Nothing Without You Let Me Make It Worth Your While