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2024-11-28 励志人物 0人已围观

简介松下幸之助的英语励志名言:人物成长故事 We retain top talents for business and send middle-level ones to politics. Wisdom, time, and sincerity are all investments in a company; those who don't understand this


We retain top talents for business and send middle-level ones to politics.

Wisdom, time, and sincerity are all investments in a company; those who don't understand this principle aren't true entrepreneurs.

If you insist on going upstairs, you'll think of bringing a ladder; if you just want to try it out, you won't think of anything at all.

When producing products for the masses, not only should we release better quality products but also make them at least three times cheaper than before.

Unwavering honesty and perseverance can change established facts and break through people's strong wills.

No matter how much others mock us, as long as we silently persist until the end, it will earn us others' envy instead of contempt.

In extraordinary times, we need extraordinary ideas and actions; do not be swayed by external values or norms.

To adapt to social trends and relationships between things is the way for enterprises to develop successfully.

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标签: 伟人的励志故事大全中国十大90后企业家青春奋斗名人故事素材90后先进人物事迹20个简短的名人故事三年级