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2025-03-13 【励志名言】 0人已围观
简介每个没心没肺的人,都有一段为某人掏心掏肺的曾经。走过多少春秋,我终于在对的时间遇到了对的你!小编给大家整理了特别高级的土味情话,仅供参考! 1.邂逅你说是天意,我说只不过是巧合而已,但还是不约而同地绕了远路,放了慢速度。 2.相思是艳丽的红,浓烈的令人沉醉;相思是灿烂的黄,耀眼的令人崩溃;相思是欲滴的绿,清新的令人迷媚;相思是深沉的黑,纯净的一种无悔! 3.无论美女歌声还是鬣狗狂吠
10.My heart beats for you, my feet accompany you to walk the sky and the earth, my hands hold your happiness as we walk, my eyes watch you forever beautiful without looking back, I am very happy to be with you like this until old age.
11.My love is not a fleeting dream but a reality that will last forever.
12.The past is history and the future is a mystery but life itself is precious.
13.Love means never having to say you're sorry.
14.Time waits for no man.
15.A single rose can be my garden of love.
16.I want all of me loving only one person in this world.
17.To love another person is to see the face of God.
18.All because of Love
19.Love makes us feel alive.
20.Say what you mean and mean what you say.
21.If there's anything more powerful than the fear of dying then it's the fear of running out of wine.
22.Happiness depends upon ourselves.
23.The greatest happiness some people obtain consists in conversing about themselves.
24.Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.
25.The most wasted day in life is one without laughter.
26.Falling in love gives us courage.
27.Don't forget I love you before I forget myself.
28.Life changes when we take that leap forward into unknown territory where our dreams are waiting for us
29.Never underestimate someone who has been through tough times
30.Have faith that everything will work out just fine