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2025-02-26 励志名言 0人已围观

简介我曾经深陷情感的漩涡,总有你一念之转能触动我的心弦。以下是那些刻骨铭心的经典语录,它们在社会的海洋中漂泊着,寻找着能够理解它们真谛的人。 许多人认为,只要两人关系熟稔如同家人,便无需再谈爱情。但真正意义上的爱情,不是在开始时燃烧得如烈火一般,而是在平淡中持续不息,成为一段美好的生活。这才是永恒的情感宣言。 如果不能与他人共度时光,最为负责任的是不要给对方任何希望或暗示;分开后





mouth saying "I love you" yet without any tangible actions is like someone who never waters a plant, claiming to love it. Love is a verb; the best proof of one's love lies in their actions.




8., There is no predestined relationship in this world, and no one can claim that their love was inevitable or rightful therefore when we meet someone who genuinely holds your hand, do not let go so easily.

9., When two people are together, happiness should be the only goal to pursue for them both as they grow closer together, the more they care about each other, the more burdens they will carry I am in love with you while giving you freedom - this is our ideal view on love.

10., At that moment when you finally realize that the person once deeply loved by you has already disappeared from this world long ago, all that remains are memories left within yourself.

11., Some people give their hearts to another person but pretend not to notice because they dislike it while others take away another's heart and pretend not to feel pain simply because they truly care!

12., The happiest thing in life is knowing that: there's always someone waiting for us too; there's always someone thinking of us too; there's always someone loving us too; and there's always someone understanding us better than anyone else does

13., There isn't anything we can turn back time for Even if we could go back sometimes later on after everything has changed so much You have your own bitter-sweet experiences while I have my own joys and sorrows Let’s move forward then since even if we didn’t make it until the end

14.. As soon as our time together wasn't enough for us to stop living just for each other Then let’s wish good fortune upon each other We'll wear our pride alone without bothering one another anymore

15.. It used to be such an intense feeling towards a person but how can I ever truly forget? If forgetting were just downplaying my feelings lightly Not wanting others know how clearly I still remember things which happened between us

16.. Love is vast enough To hold countless grievances big enough To squeeze three people into suffocating closeness

17.. Though I cannot promise forever Because eventually we'll part ways But what I want tell you Is whatever days remain with me here Will be given fully devotedly Only then will i look at him again And perhaps he might receive something similar from me Since he occupies an irreplaceable place In my mind —— unmatched

18.. One who truly loves and cares about you knows Your flaws well Yet doesn't mind them at all Knows many better ones around Yet chooses only you When someones willing sacrifices changes endures For those who sincerely cherish please remember Cherish them well No matter how much time passes They may never return again

19.. You're busy Forgeting me needing companionship You're busy Forgeting me getting lonely You're busy Forgeting me waiting by phone Remember 'Love' Isn't waiting till u find time 2 cherish It!

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