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2025-02-11 励志名言 0人已围观

简介11月21日,《全球商业》和《商业周刊》采访团队一行六人,抵达位于香港中环的长江集团中心。在警卫团的森严戒备下,我们踏入直抵顶层第70楼的电梯。这栋楼高283米,由世界著名建筑师Cesar Pelli设计,以蓝绿色玻璃帷幕包裹,比邻的就是中国银行(601988.SH)香港分行和汇丰银行等地标大楼。 长江实业大厦顶层,居高临下,足可俯瞰与香港历史、文化密不可分的维多利亚港,这里

11月21日,《全球商业》和《商业周刊》采访团队一行六人,抵达位于香港中环的长江集团中心。在警卫团的森严戒备下,我们踏入直抵顶层第70楼的电梯。这栋楼高283米,由世界著名建筑师Cesar Pelli设计,以蓝绿色玻璃帷幕包裹,比邻的就是中国银行(601988.SH)香港分行和汇丰银行等地标大楼。






Li Ka-shing: Think about failure before success, that's my philosophy. I always think about the worst-case scenario when I'm making a decision. It's like driving a boat in calm weather, you need to prepare for stormy weather too.

I spend 90% of my time thinking about failure and how to avoid it. That's why I've never had a year of losses in my business career. When you're prepared for the worst, you can handle any situation.

The key is to be cautious and prepared. You need to have a plan B, C, and D when things go wrong. It's not just about being successful; it's also about being ready for failure.

My motto is "prevention is better than cure." If you can prevent something from happening, do so before it happens. Don't wait until it happens and then try to fix it.

When I was starting out in business, I was very careful with my finances because I knew what it was like to be poor. So even though we were successful at times during our expansion into new markets or industries, we still made sure we had enough cash reserves on hand.

It doesn't matter how much money you have if you don't manage your finances well.

So that's how I approach risk management – by always thinking ahead and preparing for all possible outcomes.

In conclusion:

Always think about the worst-case scenario.

Be cautious but not paralyzed.

Have multiple contingency plans.

Manage your finances carefully.

These are the lessons from Li Ka-shing’s 57 years of experience as an entrepreneur.

Now let me share some insights on his entrepreneurial journey:

1. From plastics manufacturing (the "plastic flower king") to real estate development (the "property king"), Li Ka-shing has demonstrated his ability to adapt and evolve as an entrepreneur.

2. He has successfully navigated through numerous economic downturns including two oil crises (1973-74 & 1980), cultural revolution in China (1966-76), Asian financial crisis (1997-98).

3. His company Longji Group operates globally across more than 50 countries

4. His investment strategies include diversification across various sectors such as property development (Longji Properties), hotel operations (Hilton Hotel Hong Kong)

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