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2025-01-31 励志名言 0人已围观

简介1.本人已不在,有事请烧纸,小事招魂,大事刨坟。没事别再坟前瞎转悠。 2.水至清则无鱼,人至贱则无敌。 3.xxx,你妈喊你回家吃饭…… 4.有人生,没人养,有人养,没人教,有人教,没人心,有人心,没人性的东西。 5.你骂我,我不怕,我去北京找我爸,我爸有个大喇叭,吹你一脸大粑粑。 6.你打我,我不怕,我去北京找我爸,我爸拿着机关枪,照你打三枪! 7.你帅你帅,你头顶一窝白菜,要吃一根海带。 8











11.Route far knows horse strength insufficient, days long see person heart intricate.

12.You scold me, I don't listen, your mom is a white bone ghost, white bone ghost black claws, tear pants.

13.A foolish person cannot be reborn.

14.Don't like it, won't eat fried noodles, get hepatitis and stay in the hospital.

15.My head is like a soccer ball; kick it against a skyscraper; sell soccer balls in the skyscraper; selling my head!

16.I won't go to hell if you don't want to go with me.

17.The mountains of Shanxi are so beautiful that they attract tourists from afar; their water is crystal clear that people come just for drinking; the beauty of Shanxi's women attracts admiration from all over China - their hooked noses and large eyes make them look like tigers while their legs resemble bamboo tubes.

18.Your mom is a vampire bat who uses her sharp fangs to pierce through anything she sees;your dad is Batman who flies in the sky and crawls on land;your wife is an exploding chicken who carries a stick to poke at anything she sees;and your grandfather swats at mosquitoes without shedding blood.

19.Paris Saint-Germain needs someone to ring its bell - you're perfect!

20.High-grade milk powder and sugar for high-class ladies going to the toilet - one feels for paper but finds none except two piles of feces.

21.Miss Shi-daoyi (a term used by some Chinese internet users), why not marry old master?

22.Come quietly as I do - no leaving anyone alive after drawing my sword lightly.

23.XX fart shakes heaven and earth - one fart can reach Italy where royalty enjoys this stinky smell so much that they send soldiers and generals to join in farts.

24.Where are you going? To eat or use the restroom?

25.A three-year-old child wearing new shoes goes back home with his backpack after school - teachers say he's too young for schoolbooks which makes him run home excitedly: "I've done well! But couldn’t catch up!" “Great job! But can’t keep up!” “Come back next time!”

26.Holding onto someone's hand reveals how ugly they truly are as tears stream down my face but they still refuse to leave with me.

27.Yesterday was flooded when your mom turned into an aquatic turtle or bird flying everywhere...

28.Holding onto someone’s hand only makes things worse if they refuse to leave – good then lock the door and let loose our dog!

29.Humans are iron while walls made of steel last forever without needing repair each day till we feel suffocated inside!

30.XXX’s mother oh my gosh! Washing feet must have been quite an experience... Baked sweet potatoes rise out of sand... Eating inside blankets... Pooing inside blankets... Farting popcorn sounds amazing!

31.Your mom…eggplant eggplant eggplant died at train station everyone comes see… Your mom is potato egg!

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