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2025-01-30 励志名言 0人已围观

简介1.倔犟的像块石头,心却软得像块豆腐。——许灵子 2.放得下就不孤独,站得远些就清楚,不幻想就没感触,不期待就不在乎。 3.我相信这世界上,有些人有些事有些爱,在见到的第一次,就注定要羁绊一生,就注定像一棵树一样,生长在心里,生生世世。 4.要有在迷茫沮丧的时期,不对自己下结论的能力;在苦楚绝望的时期,不对世界下结论的操守。你要相信,一切都是暂时的,我们唯一需要做的,就是静静地好给世界看。 5












12.those who are unhappy with their lives are those who do not know what they want to do each day.If you have more things you want to do than the time you have, then you will not be unhappy.

13.growing up and getting along peacefully with others is most important: never try to impose your way of life on others.

14.once water flows deep, it makes no sound; once emotions run deep, they seem shallow.

15.when you hesitate, the world seems big; but when you take the first step bravely, it becomes small.Wait until one day when you become the person you've always wanted to be - that's when people won't question your choices anymore.You'll already be a better version of yourself and meet even better people.

16.every path I walk has its reasons for being walked; every path I choose has its direction for being chosen.Finally I understand this.

17.hold onto me as if I were richer than any king; lose me as if I were poorer than any beggar.

18.at some point in our lives, we all experience a moment of loneliness.Around us there is no one else except ourselves.I must come to terms with my own weakness - my thoughts - my boundaries - and ultimately my true dreams.

19.sometimes we are like dusk and dawn so similar yet separated by an entire night.

20.don't worry about everything disappearing before your eyes.Let's just make it exist early morning heartwords: Too serious about things? It only tires the mind and exhausts oneself too much Early morning heartwords: Look further ahead,you won't feel so sad

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