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2025-01-30 【励志名言】 0人已围观
简介至少曾相偎相依,泰坦尼克号的永恒拥抱 1、都说爱上一个人,所以才会爱上一座城。但即使是分开后很久,你不再爱那个人,但依旧会爱着那座城市。所以每个人的手机上,都会留着一个城市的天气。那是你心里的痛,也是你心里的留恋。因为曾爱过一个人,所以永远留着他的天气。 2、在人的一生之中,能够找到一个你所爱的也是爱着你的人,能够相互尊重,有爱而没有伤痛,不离不弃,长相厮守,这其实已经是太难得的事
5、愛一個人要愛她的優點 愛她的缺點 愛她的驕傲 愛她的自卑 這個世界上最遠的距離不是心與心的心間 距離 也不是 我 在你的身邊 你卻不知道 我愛 你 而是在明明相愛卻不能在一起 的孤單 中度過 一生的足矣 !
6、love someone is to wait for them no matter how late it is, love someone is to feel their cough and touch their forehead. Love someone means eating together and ordering all the food they like. Love someone will make you want to become more beautiful, hoping that everyone will notice you, but only he possesses you.
7., romance only exists in stories. Because it's not romantic, we'll chase after it; because it's not romantic, we know there's still something called hope. In fact, emotions should not be greedy; do not ask for a perfect love; only seek a real and solid kind of love that can soothe your mood - this is the correct attitude towards emotions.
8., some people may be in love but end up quarreling throughout their lives; some say love is sacrifice; others say love is possession; some say love waits; others say love belongs to youth or memories or chemical reactions. To her, however, love means cherishing those things she cannot let go of - these are feelings we cannot afford to lose our dignity over.
9., loving one person doesn't mean his excellence alone - it's just a feeling he gives you so you fall in love with him. Similarly when she doesn't return your feelings neither does it mean you are unworthy - excellence isn't the reason for falling in or out of love either. There are many who truly care about themselves too simply smiling sweetly at us as well.
10., once I was single-mindedly fond of one person ; once I was devotedly attached to another . Many things pass by , without wanting to remember just wanting oblivion . Forget spring flowers autumn moons wild abandon vows promises , as if I still liked one person standing before sunset thinking about past events experiences people .
11., if someday time slowly ages and we meet again holding hands reminiscing over beautiful encounters from texts that momentary old age will stir up waves of youth within us . At that time tell me : i loved i never regretted ! i wish world looks through our eyes heart stays young forever .
12., Love Is Mysterious Thing One Person Can Have Multiple Relationships But The Person You Love Most Is Only One And The Ones Beside You Are Not The Ones You Love Most Leaving Forever Is Easier Than Meeting It’s A Once-In-A-Lifetime Chance Among Billions While Leaving Just Two People Together Is Just Their Conclusion
13., Walking peacefully left right doesn’t matter because Earth is round If Fate Has Us Walk Together Again Smiling Faces Will Fill Our Cheeks Determined Walking Crying Laughing Won’t Stay Because Time Waits For No Man If There’s Love Someone Will Hold Your Hand Through Rain And Storms
14., This Is What We Call Romance When A Woman Stops Yelling Screaming At You About This That When She Falls Silent You’ve Already Lost Your Irreplaceable Place In Her Heart Even Though She Still Loves You But Some Things Change Entwined Looks Like Such Annoyance Yet It’s The Happiest Thing
15., Romance Is Just Simple Thing Between Two People We Want To Make It Grand Dramatic Enough For Them To Remember But Whatever Life Arranges Makes Us Stronger Cherish Good Times Keep Faith Believe In Yourself Be Grateful Enjoy Peace And Joy
16.. As Long As There Are Feet No Longer Needed As Cold As Ice Never Transparent Any Time Any Person Ask How Many Times Loved Answer Twice Once He Loves Me But Not Back Once I Love Him But He Doesn’t Good Lovemore So Don’t Give Same Pain Twice