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2024-12-30 励志名言 0人已围观

简介1.生活不简单,尽量简单过。 2.真的好想跟你讲话,但又很怕你嫌我烦。 3.思念就像关不紧的门,空气里有幸福的灰尘。 4.我最想旅游的地方是——我暗恋着的他——的心。 5.时间就是一颗药,你掌握好了它便是解药,你肆意挥霍它便是毒药。 6.你永远也不晓得自己有多喜欢一个人,除非你看见他和别的人在一起。 7.总有那么一些人,如此清晰的刻在你的生命中,浸入血脉,深入骨髓,生生死死都无法遗忘










10.what is ideal life? Not need to eat well, wear well, live well, but must be free and easy, without any pressure, not a slave of work, not controlled by fame and wealth, with like-minded companions, lively and cute children, enough food and clothing; that's already an ideal.

11.anxiety cannot stop bad things from happening; it can only prevent you from enjoying the beauty of life!

12.all choices come with a price; there's no choice that is completely perfect! Choose bread and you might have to give up love; choose wealth and you might have to give up health; choose career advancement and you might have to give up freedom! All choices must be paid for by yourself.

When making choices,

13.i was once the happiest person in the world after you left me i'm not happy anymore.

14.truly liking someone means even if they don't meet your standards at all,

15.no matter how many people you've loved or how painful or joyful it was... in the end,

16.to love someone is to hesitate when dialing their number... realizing later that all i wanted was just to hear their familiar voice.

17.when women become financially independent,

18.you're on your own - true pain cannot be shared by anyone else -

19.zhang xiaoxian: are there really vendors selling love? Selling love while trying to buy back my dignity.

20.at some point in time,you will return , spring arrives with flowers blooming

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