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2024-11-08 【励志名言】 0人已围观
简介在学习、工作或生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编精心整理的一句名言的启示英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 “细节决定成败”,这是我的座右铭。首名太空人——加加林,就是因为一个细节——进舱脱鞋,才得以飞向太空。所以这句名言一直激励我成长。 Details determine success or
Details determine success or failure is my motto. Gagarin, the first astronaut, was able to fly into space because of one detail: getting in and taking off his shoes. So this famous saying has always inspired me to grow.
I only got 92 points in math in a mid-term exam in grade five. You know, I still got 100 points in the monthly test! I picked up the paper and looked at it. The bright red - 7 on the left side of the application question seemed to laugh at me. I quickly rechecked the calculation again. Oh, how can I forget to divide the triangle area by 2! The following question is even more ridiculous, 30 times 60 equals 180? How did I get two decimal places when I turned back to the front? I began to wonder if I dozed off during the exam. These details are very simple in normal times. I didnt expect that I turned over the boat in the ditch this time. What an unforgettable lesson! Chinese is even more outrageous, only the composition was deducted 8 points! The title is the book is sweet. I reviewed the title again and found that although I wrote a book, I did not highlight the word sweet, which was not mentioned in the composition at all! I understand the importance of details.
As the saying goes: lost a nail, broke a horses hoof; broke a horses hoof, broke a war horse; broke a war horse, killed a knight; killed a knight, lost a battle; lost a battle, killed an empire. The loss of an iron nail seems insignificant, but it is related to the fate of an empire. Details determine success or failure. Details determine everything. We should always pay attention to the details and make progress on the road of life.