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2025-03-03 励志故事 0人已围观

简介名人的励志故事:倒水的学问 文/旗王 大学毕业后好几个月,我一直都在人才市场不停地奔波着,希望能够找到一个适合自己的职位。那天,我看到国内一家着名的民营企业招聘一位秘书,因为待遇非常优厚,吸引了许多像我一样刚毕业的大学生。我很幸运,我在几百名应聘的大学生中成为被公司通知面试的二十个人之一。 虽然已被通知面试,但我很清楚将去公司面试的这二十个人,谁都比我更为优秀,而招聘的秘书职位只有一个







I walked to the water dispenser on the wall, took out two paper cups, because I noticed an ordinary old man sitting on a sofa in the corner of the room looking at a newspaper. I thought that when giving water to the general manager, I would also give him a cup of water as well, which should be something for a secretary to do. So I did it and gave one cup of water to the general manager and another cup to that old man saying “You’re welcome” then he looked up from his newspaper with a smile.

Two days later in the afternoon, against all hope for this interview not being successful, I suddenly received a call from the company telling me they had decided to hire me as their secretary and asked me to report immediately to work. This phone call left me almost stunned; it was hard for me believe that I would become one of those lucky ones among twenty candidates.

When arriving at my new office chair behind CEO's desk without hesitation or fear but rather filled with curiosity about how this unexpected turn happened only then did i notice that seated opposite was none other than an unassuming elderly gentleman who turned out be our company’s chairman.

"You're welcome," said Mr. Chairman warmly as he extended his hand towards you "Welcome aboard."

In retrospect now knowing what transpired during those hours spent in silence waiting outside for my turn while others rushed by before turning away defeated , each time hoping & praying silently for their own chance yet never once noticing nor acknowledging my presence there too . Now reflecting upon how even though i wasn't given much attention nor praise during those long moments but still managed make sure everyone got what they needed most -water- seems more like just another day at work -it is interesting isn't?

标签: 史泰龙励志故事励志小故事大道理励志故事大全残疾人的励志故事成功励志故事