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2025-03-03 励志故事 0人已围观

简介文/旗王 大学毕业后好几个月,我一直都在人才市场不停地奔波着,希望能够找到一个适合自己的职位。那天,我看到国内一家着名的民营企业招聘一位秘书,因为待遇非常优厚,吸引了许多像我一样刚毕业的大学生。我很幸运,我在几百名应聘的大学生中成为被公司通知面试的二十个人之一。虽然已被通知面试,但我很清楚将去公司面试的这二十个人,谁都比我更为优秀,而招聘的秘书职位只有一个,我会笑到最后吗




I walked to the water dispenser on the wall and took out two paper cups. I noticed an ordinary old man sitting on a sofa in the corner, reading a newspaper. I thought that while giving water to the general manager, it would be nice to also give him a cup of water as well - something that should be done by a secretary. So, I did just that, handing one paper cup to the general manager first before pouring another for the old man and saying “Please drink this.”

He looked up from his newspaper and smiled at me: "Thank you."

Two days later, against all hope for this interview not too much expectation of success I received a call from the company informing me they had decided to hire me as their secretary with instructions to report immediately to CEO's office.

This phone call almost made my head spin; it was hard for me believe that I would become one of twenty lucky ones selected among many hopefuls when twenty faces appeared before my eyes during those tense hours spent waiting in line outside CEO's door.

When reporting into CEO's office after receiving such unexpected news from HR department, staring back at me across his spacious desk was none other than an unassuming older gentleman who had been quietly observing us during interviews - our very own company chairman.

"You're welcome," he said with a smile upon seeing my confusion at being addressed directly by him rather than some more senior executive.

Later on I found out that giving water was indeed part of final exam set forth by interviewers who were looking beyond mere technical skills but sought candidates displaying inner goodness and virtue through small acts like offering someone else what they themselves wanted most - i.e., fresh cold water on hot summer day without even asking them!

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