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2025-01-31 经典语录 0人已围观

简介1.亲爱的,多穿点衣服,要降温了,小心着凉啊,打针是很疼的啊。 2.有一朵花叫幸福蒲公英,有一天,我怀着愉快的心情,将它吹出去,它带着满心的幸福和快乐飘到你眼前,希望从这一秒开始你也会幸福快乐!有我的关心是不是很美好啊。 3.世界上最难断的是感情,最难求的是爱情,最难还的人情,最难得的是友情,最难分的亲情,最难找的是真情,最想看的是你微笑的表情! 4.嫁给我吧,我用石油给你冲厕所









9.you是我的天空,无论晴雨;you是我的风景,无论山水;you是我梦中的梦,无论有无;you是我追求中的动力,让我进取不息。love you, 不变地!

10.my heart将纯真的love压缩成一张纸,上面写满了对你的思念等待你的回复,那时这份love就会一点点释放到你的心里,是不是已经期待中去了?

11.you笑了,我感觉整个世界都明亮起来,你恼怒时,即使阴云密布,也无法遮挡住阳光。我每个表情,都跟随your mood起伏,而with you beside me,每一次都是完美无瑕!

12.you就像一盘cd,在my memory里播放,你的声音让我感到如此温暖和安宁。而just like a book,your presence is the reader in my heart,your every turn of the page brings me endless joy and warmth.

13.picking up girls isn't that hard as long as I put in some effort! After all, even if we can't be together officially, there's always room for exploration... But remember, it's better to keep things between us than to seek solace in others.

14.you are a poem to me, with your eyes being the stars that light up the night sky; each time they twinkle is a classic moment for us; and your smile is an episode of warmth from our story; every time it blooms is filled with fragrance for me.

15.wherever you are becomes a classic place in my mind; whenever it's time becomes a moment of thoughtfulness towards you; every message I send creates a bridge of longing between us - nothing more than just one sentence: "I love you."

16.kiddo, don't forget to eat well and get enough rest! Life is too short not to enjoy good food and cozy sleep!

17.happiness comes like windblown kites soaring high above the clouds - may those who receive my messages feel their happiness soar just as high!

18.listen carefully: tomorrow will bring rain so please dress warmly and carry an umbrella when going out!

19.my lovely darling child at home while I'm away: take care of yourself by eating well on schedule and getting plenty of rest!

20.I believe someday your loveliness will reach out from afar to dispel my loneliness.

21.the weather has changed quickly now that winter has come - because you're so cute I want to keep you warm! Please wear something thicker tonight & remember not to let your feet get cold either! Don't scold me for this but stay safe & sound alright?

22.may today be full of joy for you: earning money hand over fist while savoring delicious meals cup after cup ...and may everything go smoothly around you!

23.wishing upon shooting stars though they elude capture by daybreak... yet wishing upon waves though they ebb away into silence... embracing stories told without pause... cherishing moments shared within sight...

24.within these lines lies my sincere affection toward someone special — wishing them infinite happiness & never-ending laughter along life's journey — where dreams meet reality

25.therefore cherish this love which shall forever bloom through seasons' change—within thy sweet embrace—may memories grow evergreen

26.each note carries hope—each word holds promise—a single glance transmits love—whispered tales entwine hearts—though miles apart we share our breaths

27.dearly beloved friend/lover/family member/ acquaintance (choose wisely), do not forget how much i adore thee before thou vanisheth into thin air or disappears behind yonder horizon...

28.from beneath moonlit skies or under starry nights / what could possibly compare with knowing how much u care? You hold such importance within this world 🌎🌐💖📱😊👩❤️🏻💬💕

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