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2025-01-31 励志故事 0人已围观

简介1.亲爱的,多穿点衣服,要降温了,小心着凉啊,打针是很疼的啊。 2.有一朵花叫幸福蒲公英,有一天,我怀着愉快的心情,将它吹出去,它带着满心的幸福和快乐飘到你眼前,希望从这一秒开始你也会幸福快乐!有我的关心是不是很美好啊。 3.世界上最难断的是感情,最难求的是爱情,最难还的人情,最难得的是友情,最难分的亲情,最难找的是真情,最想看的是你微笑的表情! 4.嫁给我吧,我用石油给你冲厕所









9.You are my sky, sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy; you are my landscape, mountains and rivers side by side; you are my dream, with you in it; you are my driving force, let me strive for more.I love you, forever unchanged!

10.my love is filled to the brim with pure affection for you on this sheet of paper,wanting to slowly release it when I see your smile again.

11.your laughter brightens up the sky;your frown brings clouds.Your every move affects my expression.With you by my side since we fell in love ,my IQ has dropped to zero.Every day I look forward to seeing your smiling face as if I'm in prison.

12.you're a CD,and i'm a record player,every time i play you,i feel so peaceful inside,you're a book,i'm a reader,every time i read about you,i feel so warm inside.

13.it's easy to seduce someone just be willing to dig deep into their heart.Select one target even if it can't be an official relationship or marriage at least give them some attention.Born without getting what they want die trying for them.All who die from unrequited love are fools!

14.you're a poem,your eyes shine like romantic stars,every flash is classic,you're a poem,your smile is warm scenery,every bloom fills the air with fragrance,you're a poem,every time i think of you,i get drunk on your beauty.

15.wherever there's your location,it becomes classic wherever there's your time,it becomes nostalgia.without saying anything out loud but being with me in thought building bridges across distances sending messages that fill hearts.i don't have anything good enough for you except saying "i miss u".

16.honey aren't u trying 2 lose weight?eat less rice and more veggies before eating try drinking some soup first then eat.then u'll eat less!

17.if happiness were wind chimes then each message from me would blow them away.wishing whoever reads these messages happiness that flies high like wind chimes always clear blue skies ahead

18.listen listen tomorrow will rain dearie remember 2 prepare accordingly wear warm clothes bring an umbrella

19.missed darling while im not w/ u take care of urself dont overexert yerself go exercise

20.dearest believe that someday the cute little thing called u will stretch out yr hand wave away all yr waiting moments

21.weather changes fast winter comes quietly because of ur cuteness ill remind u stay warm dont let cold feet turn into pig legs no need 2 curse me bad wishin u joy every single day!

22.wish ur days r always happy earn money pour drinks eat well keep relationships strong celebrate five blessings together store up treasures make friends joyful dreams abound may all good things surround thee

23.putting care and sincerity plus blessings into each message send it towards the moon absorb its warmth n send back affectionate thoughts via mobile phone bringing true wishes n greetings may life b full of happiness!

24.a spell was cast but time flew past breaths got faster chasing after ur happiness clumsy hands yet still following along cuz ur still holding onto me so iloveu till nexttime

25.uve put under enchantment against expectations,uve made promises beyond reach but never broken though memories fade,dont forget our bond remains through thick n thin.thanks for staying w/ us!

标签: 明星励志故事职场励志小故事高考励志故事职场励志故事袁隆平的励志故事200字