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2025-01-26 励志故事 0人已围观

简介文/陈迪晨、艾陆琦 今年清华大学的博士生录取名单中,一个名叫江梦南的26岁女生吸引了大家的注意。江梦南半岁时因药物导致双耳失聪,虽然生活给予了她更多的挑战,但她却把这些看成是命运的馈赠。这位优秀的女孩说:“上帝虽然给我们关上了门,但是一定会为我在其他的地方打开一扇窗。”通过学习唇语、看老师板书和自学,她不仅高考时以615分的成绩考入吉林大学药学院,还多次获得奖学金









对 JiangDreamSouth 而言,一 个 发 音 重 复 一千次能学会已经算很快速度,可以想见学习难度。在她的记忆里,每个人的嘴巴大同小异,只要慢慢来,就可以学会。但熟能生巧,她也逐渐掌握规律,“每个人的嘴巴都有点不同,一百个人就有一百种嘴巴方式,每当认识一个新的朋友时,我总是需要几天时间来熟悉这个朋友,然后才能较快地明白对方想要表达的是什么意思。”

尽管听力受限除了给 JiangDreamSouth 平日生活带来难题,也会遭遇很大的障碍。在课堂上老师讲话速度较快知识点又多,如果只依靠阅读唇语跟上进度几乎不可能效率也大打折扣,因此从小学到中学 JiangDreamSouth 除了课堂努力“听讲”以外,还依靠看书本、黑板上的笔迹、课堂展示幻灯片以及课下的自学完成。

2010年 JiangDreamSouth 参加高考,以615分成绩进入吉林大学本科药学专业学习硕士阶段选择计算机辅助药物设计作为研究方向。

Learning 的过程并非一帆风顺。Readings 期间 JiangDreamSouth 和同学们定期开组会议,对自己的研究内容以及这个领域进行一些探讨,但由于讨论内容涉及很多专业术语与复杂性的内容光看唇语不太能及时理解别人说的,所以很难加入进讨论。

She always been grateful to life, and the people around her.

Perhaps is deeply influenced by parents optimistic and open-minded personality, Dream South always shows a sunny disposition in daily life. She likes making new friends and playing with them. "I am continuously optimistic and cheerful, intermittently melancholy." She says with a smile.

Although she will feel down due to inability to perform well in some jobs that require immediate communication or flexibility, Dream South will use sports, talking to family members or going out with friends to dispel her emotions.

"I am an outgoing person who loves smiling," she says. "I enjoy spending time with my friends every day. When I'm relaxed, I like watching old movies or exercising at the gym."

In the interview, Dream South expressed gratitude towards those teachers who patiently answered her questions and provided guidance; towards classmates who were understanding of her situation; towards colleagues who wrote notes for her; as well as towards parents who have been guiding her forward.

"Mommy is like my guide on the road ahead," she said. "They show me which way to go."

In university years, she volunteered at a special school for children with disabilities in her hometown where students had visual impairments or hearing impairments or intellectual disabilities. Currently several departments from home are contacting Dream South about sharing their experiences with disabled people there.

"I was taken aback by all this attention," she said gratefully but also motivating herself not to disappoint others. "To those deaf people like me,” she added confidently “we don't need be self-conscious about our limitations because God may close one door but opens another window for us! As long as we work hard enough we can do what able-bodied people can do — maybe even better!"

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