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2025-02-26 【励志故事】 0人已围观
简介文/徐慧芬 一阵小跑声过后,学校走廊里,一名男生小声而急促地叫我。我立定问他:“有什么事吗?”他期期艾艾地说:“我——我能到你的办公室去说吗?”我点点头。他进来后,小心翼翼关上门后,将手上卷着的画纸摊开在我面前说:“老师你看,我觉得自己画得挺好的,为什么只有65分呢?我看他这张还没我的好呢,他都70分呢。”他把同桌的那张画也摊了开来。 啊,原来是来讨说法的。这是一张美术作业
“你表扬过你两次,一次draw a portrait,你说my shading is very good and not too heavy. 还有一次paint with watercolors,你say my sky is very transparent and didn’t mess up.”
“可是这个时候you only got 65 points, okay? 这个是exam, teacher should be fair, right?”
“65 points already above the line of passing grade. Just keep trying next time.”
“我只能实话告诉你,这一次midterm exam,我几乎没有考好任何科目,只有语文和英语及格,还有数学只得55分。我爸爸气疯了,用皮带抽打,用脚踢打,说我没有考出什么好成绩。我告诉他们至少美术可以考70分……老师,请看——”
I no longer speak. I take out a sheet of paper and let him redraw one.
Half an hour later, I write "70" in red ink on his new painting. When he leaves, he bows to me again and asks quietly: "Teacher won't tell other classmates about this, will you?" I smile.
Years later...
I am waiting for a train at the station when a man approaches me with a smile and looks at me intently before standing up to say: "Are you the teacher who taught us art?"
"You are who?" I can't remember his name.
He says: "That's right! You're that art teacher!" And so we both fill in the gaps of our story here on the platform.
I ask him what he does now.
"I'm in charge of software design at my company."
"So how did you get into this field despite your poor math scores back then?"
"Teacher," he said with some embarrassment but also pride," do you remember something you once said to me? You said that someone as smart as me shouldn't have bad grades in math."
I don't remember saying that... But it stuck with him all these years until it changed his life.