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2025-01-26 励志故事 0人已围观

简介文/陈迪晨、艾陆琦。 今年清华大学的博士生录取名单中,一个名叫江梦南的26岁女生吸引了大家的注意。江梦南半岁时因药物导致双耳失聪,虽然生活给予了她更多的挑战,但她却把这些看成是命运的馈赠。 靠学习唇语、看老师板书和自学,她不仅高考时以615分的成绩考入吉林大学药学院,还多次获得奖学金,之后继续在吉林大学攻读完研究生学位,并且通过了清华大学生命科学学院的博士研究生面试。今年9月








在她的记忆里,爸爸妈妈总是陪伴在身边给予鼓励和支持。尽管医生曾告诉 江梦 南 的父母,她 的 平衡 力 会 比较 差,不 应 该 学习 游泳 和 自行车。但 是 江夢 南 觉得 这 是 生活 的 基本 技能,要 学 会。这 样 她 在 暑 假 时 候,让 父 母 陪 着 她 一 起 学 骑 自 行 车 和 游泳。


对于 Jiang Mengnan 而言,一 个 发 音 重 复 一千 次 能 学 会 已 经 算 快 了,可以 想 象 学 习 的 难 度。但 熟能 生 智she 也 逐渐 掌握 了 规 律,“ 每 个 人 的 唇 形 大 同 小 异,每 当 认 识 到 新 的 友 朋 时,我 总 是 需 要 几 天 时间 来 熟 悉 这 个 友 朋 的 口 型,然后 才 能 较 快 地 明 白 对 方 要 表达 出来的话。”

听力受限除了给 Jiang Mengnan 平时生活带来的难题,也会遭遇很大障碍。在课堂上老师讲话速度快,而知识点又多,如果只依靠阅读口型来跟上学习进度几乎不可能,这样的效率也大打折扣。此外,在英语教学中由于需要接触到听力的部分,只能通过视觉上的识别来进行练习,这也是一种独特的心智训练方式。在中学期间,由于不能直接参加英语听力的考试,因此需要老师面对面地阅读答案,同时也有特殊安排独立考室,以确保能够顺利完成考试。

2010年,当 Jiang Mengnan 参加高考的时候,她虽然分数超过一本线,但是觉得没有发挥到最佳水平,所以坚持复读一年第二年以615分进入吉林大学药学院深造硕士后选择计算机辅助药物设计作为研究方向。此外,在研一阶段与同学们定期开组会,对自己的研究内容以及这个领域进行探讨,但由于讨论内容涉及很多专业名词和复杂性的内容,加上她的视觉输入有限,使得加入讨论变得困难。不过,这并没有阻止她努力弥补这一缺憾,而是更加积极地投入到其他方面去做得更好,以此弥补不足之处。

She always has been grateful for her life and the people around her.

Perhaps it is deeply influenced by her parents' optimistic and cheerful nature, Jiang Mengnan in everyday life also shows a sunny disposition, enjoys making new friends. She jokingly tells reporters: "I am a continuous optimism and intermittent despair." Though she will feel low sometimes due to being unable to communicate effectively in some situations that require immediate interaction or flexibility, she would use sports, talking with family members or going out with friends to ease her emotions.

"Surrounding friends say I have a good personality, love to laugh, no pressure when getting along with others. I think myself as an outgoing person who likes hanging out with friends every day. In my leisure time, I like watching old movies or working out at the gym."

In the interview, Jiang Mengnan consistently expresses gratitude towards those teachers who patiently answered her questions and provided guidance; towards classmates and friends who accompanied her on her journey of growth and learning; especially towards her parents whom she credits as beacons lighting up the path ahead for her. They give her courage to continue moving forward.

During university days, she volunteered at special education schools in rural areas where children face various disabilities such as visual impairment or hearing loss. Currently several local departments are contacting Jiang Mengnan hoping that she could share experiences about overcoming obstacles through public speeches which would encourage other disabled individuals from similar backgrounds.

To reporters: "Suddenly receiving such high attention makes me somewhat perplexed but very thankful too - it motivates me not let anyone down. To those deaf just like me - do not ever feel inferior because of your disability! God may close one door but opens another somewhere else. As long as we work hard enough - what able-bodied people can achieve is achievable by us too maybe even better!"

For this dedicated girl's efforts let's applaud!

标签: 幽默励志故事谷爱凌的励志故事明星励志故事励志故事经典励志故事