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2025-01-09 【励志故事】 0人已围观
简介什么是文化的根基? 文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂,是其精神生活和物质生产方式的总和。杨绛作为一位杰出的现代文学家,她在作品中不断探讨和阐述这一问题。在她的笔下,文化不仅仅是一种传统,更是一种生命力的体现。她曾说:“文化是人类文明发展过程中的宝贵财富。”这句话深刻地揭示了文化对于人类社会进步的重要性。 如何看待个人与时代的关系? 在杨绛看来,个人与时代之间存在着密切的联系
Yang Jian (1914-2016) was a renowned Chinese writer, poet, and translator who played an important role in the development of modern Chinese literature and culture. Her works are characterized by their profound insights into human nature, society, and history.
In her writings, Yang Jian often explored the relationship between individual and era, emphasizing that each person's growth is influenced by their time period while also shaping cultural values in return.
Her concept of "bookish fragrance" or "bookish atmosphere" reflects her belief that knowledge should permeate every aspect of life for personal growth and self-cultivation.
Moreover, Yang Jian advocated for dialogue between ancient wisdom and contemporary society through literary works that could bridge past experiences with current realities to inspire future developments.
She saw writing as a means to explore one's inner world rather than merely express oneself externally; thus she believed good writing should touch people's hearts while fostering deeper emotional connections with readers.
Lastly, she encouraged critical thinking by analyzing various sources from multiple perspectives before forming judgments - a crucial skill in today's information age where misinformation can be easily spread without scrutiny.
Throughout her career as a writer-poet-translator-transcriber (and so much more!), Yang Jians' work has left an indelible mark on China's literary landscape - not just because of her exceptional talent but also due to the depth of thought she instilled within us all through her timeless words: 'Culture is precious wealth accumulated during humanity’s civilization process.'