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2024-12-31 励志故事 0人已围观

简介《爱情公寓经典语录:我们都在年轻彷徨的旅途上》 1.跌倒后,仍旧微笑前行;迷失时,勇敢迈出脚步。 2.这个世界没有永恒,只有珍惜。老天会为你安排更好的未来。 3.不要急于开始,不要轻易妥协。真正值得的东西不会容易得到。 4.每个人都会遇到艰难时刻,但坚持过去的人生将豁然开朗,而放弃者时间会教会他们与困难共处。 5.只管继续前进,世界那么广阔,一定有一片属于你的蓝天。 6.学会接受自己











10.make yourself your own hero, you are both princess and queen.

11.every day of hard work is worth remembering, use the greatest courage to live the life you want.

12.present reality may give you a slap, remember not to be defeated by it.

13.genuine girls should be independent with strong principles and views, respecting every choice from within.

14.sometimes what's more important isn't the absence of setbacks but choosing carefully.

15.pain will eventually heal scars; let go of the past and live in the present and future with sunshine.

16.those obstacles that seem insurmountable will pass with time; have patience for time itself.

17.rather than nurturing superficial relationships, invest in reading, exercise, deep conversations with friends, and travel.

18.one day you'll stand out brightly living up to your own ideal self-image from before.

19.be like an earnest snail or persistent bird flying high in ordinary life: humble yet serious about living on this earth.

20.those years when someone was holding on tightly to you through countless times they stretched out their hands only because there was always one person who spoiled and protected you with smiles a million times over but never knew that patience would exhaust love would tire out forever being far away from each other until they realized too late that those hands were given away to someone better suited for them by fate.

21.everyone has days where they wish they could cut themselves into pieces.

22.every effort we make most attempts at waiting all have meaning: believe in your strength as much as believing in others' brightness around us.

23.i don't regret not participating fully but cherish each corner explored striving forward till i illuminate myself fully.

24.don't worry too much - once only one lifetime - put aside enjoy living as desired.

25.in this world there's always someone who'd willingly abandon all worldly wonders just for your presence also some simple brutal care & affection can bring happiness enough for anyone's entire life journey - www.lz13.cn

26.your greatest weapon is unwavering determination (www.lz13.cn)

27.young people should experience more experimentation regardless how ordinary or plain even though unremarkable keep yearning & fighting spirit alive during this best age ever!

28.trust effort brings good fortune trust true heart gets true feelings believe kindness is good stuff!

29.use an ordinary heart think things through once clear head down work hard long maybe painful process slow perhaps but believe those seemingly impassable barriers early or later come wait patiently for time itself

30.always find someone mediocre contentedly leaving behind everything beautiful leaving beside me simple raw affection making me happy

31.outmatched by fate surrendering loses direction without steering ship lost course

32.turn 'good' into 'excellent' learn well skillful social connections

33.the ones who truly help us are often ourselves alone!

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