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2024-12-30 【励志故事】 0人已围观
简介杨幂语句 1.有的时候要学会自爱,因为它比需要爱和被爱来的更稳妥。是你自己可以控制的,别人无法收回,也夺不走的。被爱很幸福,但是那取决于爱你的人,是被动的爱。首先学习爱自己,自己感受了爱所带来的幸福感,再去爱别人,请把这种快乐和你爱的人共享。 2.初见晨露,鸟语花香,看着太阳照常升起,我又绝望了。对着一片朝气蓬勃的早晨,郑重的道一声晚安。我在这喧嚣中寻找宁静,在繁华里追求简单。 3
7.some people, you once said you would never forget, some things, you thought would last a lifetime. But how many years will it be before we suddenly think of them again? The people have only left behind the faint outlines, and those things are like someone else's affairs.
8.going so far to discover that we've left the most important things in our earliest memories behind. After being washed away, there is only the silent understanding between us now.Love is an unreturnable journey.
9.everyone expresses love differently as long as they understand each other it's enough.
10.feeling actors are sometimes like birds look very free but actually without direction on what seems to be a big stage but ultimately can only turn out many tricks within the cage.
11.shedding wings that carefree tragedy breaking through the initial thorns brushing off dust embracing blooming flowers.
12.i once thought putting together incomplete things could make them whole but they cannot fill each other's emptiness instead just causing more pain for each other.
13.thank goodness there is still that clear sky where i can pour out my heart please forgive me for not being able to speak up today yesterday's dreams should stay in yesterday do not let them haunt us today's sun shines brightly and i am still stuck in yesterday unable to wake up yet
14.each person expresses love differently as long as they understand each other it’s enough?
15.some people when you first met said you would never forget some things when you first experienced said would last a lifetime however after unknown years or decades pass by then one day maybe suddenly remember them but those people already faded away leaving only remnants of their presence those moments also became something belonging to others
16.we drift apart drifting across vast distances enduring loneliness until finding our own way back home alone forever (www.lz13.cn)
17.some people when you first met said you would never forget some things when you first experienced said would last a lifetime however after unknown years or decades pass by then one day maybe suddenly remember them but those people already faded away leaving only remnants of their presence those moments also became something belonging to others
18.time always moves slowly like an old man who takes his time smiling at everything watching us hurry along trying hard to control its passage realizing our insignificance finally learning to compromise with it