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2025-03-03 【励志成功】 0人已围观
很多人曾鼓起勇气向喜欢的女孩-table white-,结果失败告终。
有的男生说,全世界都知道she likes him,但是为什么she still refuses him?
这句话完全透露了girl's feelings towards you and attitude towards you: “you haven't got enough to attract me.”
全世界都知道she likes you, but actually she only likes you, not loves you. Girl is very sensitive about feelings.
看过《非诚勿扰》相亲节目的人都知道,有些被称为girl level 的女嘉宾,即使有人专程到现场送上鲜花、戒指,甚至都不为所动。就算意思意思给观众展示几滴称之为感动的眼泪,最终还是以“I don’t have a feeling of love” as the reason, reject all the good men who pursue them.
Male often says in their confession: “Please be my girlfriend.” But people generally dislike being controlled by others. This kind of question will make the girl want to escape when she doesn’t like you that much.
You think that making her your girlfriend will make her more attracted to you? No! It makes her more defensive against you!
Surely tell him that confessing won’t “attract” her more; worse is that girl will defend herself from him; if he confesses and she refuses again, then it’s back to being friends. Then your relationship becomes a dead cycle until girl feels suspicious of his motives. Finally, they aren’t even friends anymore.
Some girls just love different things; they accept or decline without hesitation but occasionally enjoy your company too. If after refusal there isn’t this reaction described above from the girl, it means new-born backup boyfriend for him -
Effective confession is disturbing someone else's mind so that person notices his intentions yet won't feel pressured. Such confession style is called "Elevate Relationship Declaration."
In an appropriate environment and atmosphere say out Elevate Relationship Declaration instead of confession with no requirements for opposite party response;
Just express one's own feelings without asking anything in return.
This way doing confessions successfully attracts girls even if originally she wasn't interested in them either through this declaration also gets bonus points from girls because:
You show your emotions.
You haven't asked for anything in return.
She knows what happened between two people was purely emotional experience without any commitment expectations or obligations attached.
The method ensures rejection-free outcome at least!
Finally wish everyone success with their confessions and may every couple find each other eventually!