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2025-03-16 经典语录 0人已围观

简介我曾经被网上的“一元学理财”骗子所欺騙,损失了近万元。事件发生在去年,我上网看到一个宣传自己可以通过投资只需一元钱就能赚大钱的信息。这 sounded too good to be true, but I was desperate for a way to make some extra money. So, I decided to give it a try. The first time

我曾经被网上的“一元学理财”骗子所欺騙,损失了近万元。事件发生在去年,我上网看到一个宣传自己可以通过投资只需一元钱就能赚大钱的信息。这 sounded too good to be true, but I was desperate for a way to make some extra money. So, I decided to give it a try.

The first time I invested, I paid only one yuan and thought that was the end of it. But then they started deducting money from my account without my consent. They claimed that the investment had matured and that I should receive a certain amount of money as dividends. However, when I tried to withdraw my funds, they told me that there were some issues with the paperwork and that I needed to pay an additional fee.

I was suspicious at this point and decided not to proceed further. But later on, they continued to deduct money from my account without any notice or explanation. It wasn't until months later when the deductions stopped did I realize how much money had been taken from me.

I tried contacting their customer service but got nowhere. They just kept telling me that everything was fine and that there were no issues with my investment. It wasn't until after several months of trying did someone finally tell me what happened - they had been using fake documents and false promises to scam people out of their hard-earned cash!

This experience has left me feeling angry and betrayed by these scammers who prey on vulnerable people like myself who are looking for ways to make ends meet in difficult economic times!

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