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2025-03-03 【励志人物】 0人已围观
很多人曾鼓起勇气向喜欢的女孩table white,结果失败告终。
全世界都知道she likes you,但是其实she只是likes you,却没有loves you。女生对于feeling这个方面是十分看重的。
看过《非诚勿扰》相亲节目的人都知道,有些被称为girlfriend level 的girl们就算有人专程到现场送上鲜花、戒指,甚至都不为所动。就算意思意思给观众展示几滴称之为感动的眼泪,最终还是以“I don’t have the feeling”为由 拒绝了大家公认好男人的追求。
男生往往会在告white的时候,说出“please and me go out”之类的话。但是person本来就不喜欢受到控制,这种让对方只能say Yes or No 的二选一题目,将给对方造成想要逃避的情绪特别是在当she 不太like you的时候。
可以肯定地告诉you, table white并不会“更 attract”oppoent,更坏的是oppoent 会对you更加cautious,you table white,she refuse again,then become friend.然后你们关系就会陷入一个dead loop直至oppoent 对your action all feel suspicious.
有些girl just love to be different,不接受you but also sometimes think your company is not bad.
如果oppoent refuse you after that without making any of the reaction i described above, then you should be careful——new backup boyfriend.
有效table white is disturb oppoent’s mind make oppoent notice your feeling but won't feel pressured. such table white call it relationship upgrade declaration.
in suitable environment say out relationship upgrade declaration,you are only expressing your thought no need for oppoent to respond.
just tell her: follow with my company very happy thanks for companionship
I like what she brings to me
make a self summary of your feelings and transmit them to her
that way do ,then it becomes for her to start caring about you
she will think this person likes me but didn’t ask anything from me .so won’t have any emotional or moral burden on her .
such table white successfully attracts girl even if she originally wasn't that into him believe through this table white can give him a plus
the girl will think he doesn’t cause trouble nor forces her into a choice,you’re different from other guys .
if she/they simply don’t care?no worries at least haven't been refused
because haven't asked “hope u go out w/ m e ”or “please b my g/f/bf”
this method does not guarantee u two would end up together
but absolutely won’t be rejected!
lastly wish everyone good luck in confessing may there be couples in heaven!