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2025-01-08 经典语录 0人已围观

简介很多人认为自己很努力工作,我会说:“你很努力吗?可是你并没有讲话讲到嘴巴流血呀。” 我天生乐观,记得小时候跟别人打架,打到上下排牙齿都掉了,妈妈看到我的模样,心疼地哭了起来,可是我依旧很快乐。妈妈不解地问我为什么?我说:“牙齿都掉了,我从今以后就不用刷牙了。” 从事行销业,我们没有摆臭脸的资格,每天都要笑脸迎人。微笑是会传染的,只要你带着微笑,别人也会对你微笑,气氛就会跟着改变





我的第一份工作是在福特汽车当会计,工作起来驾轻就熟,可是我做得并不快乐。我宁可多绕点远路,也不要在一个我不喜欢的地方工作一辈子。亲友听说我离职了,都觉得很不可思议,但我认为如果不能找到适才适性的工作,这辈子绝对不会快乐。科学家会发明东西,艺人会表演唱歌,那是他们的专长,那我的专长是什么?I left thought, discovered my specialty is what Ford Motor Company least likes about me - I love to talk. The boss often stared at me and said, "Leon, I hired you to work, not to talk. Can you please not talk and not disturb others from working?"

When interviewing new jobs, I told each boss that I like talking. Everyone laughed at that. Then they asked if there were any other requests? I said that I dislike complicated administrative work so hope for less of it and let me focus on talking from morning till night with the best possible compensation.

Every boss laughed when he heard this 3-point request but one old man was so amused that he called his colleagues into the office asking me to repeat it again. He thought these three requirements were hilarious but in fact they are serious for me.

Although many businesspeople think themselves very hardworking and ask for a raise, I say: "Are you really hardworking? But have you ever talked until your mouth bleeds?"

My optimism never fades away even when faced with challenges like losing teeth or money troubles.

The first job interview was conducted by 300 companies but only one CEO took my application seriously - from a securities company who asked if those conditions were true: finding a job where talking all day long is encouraged; having little administrative tasks; getting high pay?

He hugged me tightly excitedly saying: "This is exactly what we need! You're here just in time!"

After working all day long making calls nonstop (500 calls daily), recording every single call with a recorder set up before him on his desk as per rules – no rest until the last call made at around 2-3 AM.

One night while doing this exhausting task relentlessly without break (even after being woken up by noise) an angry client attacked the glass window causing chaos during which everything got shattered except my determination!

I became famous in Wall Street as 'the genius' earning millions annually back then yet still chose returning home becoming Chief Consultant of Securities Commission earning merely NT$20k monthly (annual salary under $80k). Nobody supported my decision nor understood why leave such wealth behind...but mine was another story...

"Outstanding Eight Principles" begins thus:

"Don't listen solely to friends' advice because general suggestions will only make you ordinary." World's people mostly average folks; converse opposite of others' opinions & create unique path hence success comes easier than expected!

标签: 感恩父亲的句子经典语录俞敏洪经典语录张小娴经典语录林清玄经典语录麦兜经典语录