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2024-12-31 经典语录 0人已围观

简介1、飞机场的一会儿就停止了,这里的人都是有着自己的方向的,匆匆的起飞,匆匆的下降,带走别人的故事,留下自己的回忆。 2、习惯了你对人的依赖,虽然我也是一个孩子。 3、红莲即将绽放,双星终会汇聚,命运的转轮已经开始,请您耐心地等待。 4、我想知道这些仓皇南飞的大雁带走了谁的思念。 5、我站的太久说的太久我自己都累了,你怎么还是听不懂?我写的太多了写得太久了我自己都累了,你怎么还是看不懂? 6






6、曾经一直想让别人知道自己的心情,那些沉重,那些无法讲述的悲伤和苍凉、可是,我要如何在浅薄的纸上为你画出我所有的命轮?I want to know how to draw my whole fate on a thin piece of paper for you.

7、当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么脆弱和无力。When you truly love something, you'll find that language is so weak and powerless.

8、一切都像是没有对齐的地图,从前的一切回不到过去,就这样慢慢延伸一点一点错开来也许错开了一定的东西我们真的应该遗忘。Everything is like an unaligned map. The past can't be turned back. It's stretching out, slowly getting farther and farther apart. Maybe we should forget the things that have drifted apart.

9、大提琴的声音就象一条河左岸是我无法忘却的心事右岸是我值得紧握的手中的璀璨年华中间流淌的是我的年年岁岁淡淡的情感.The sound of the cello is like a river. On one side are the memories I can never forget; on the other side are the sparkling years I deserve to hold tightly in my hands. In between flows my year after year, faintly sad emotions.

10、高兴时高兴时,不愿言尽词穷;哀愁时哀愁时,不愿轻启口风。这句话是不是有点像我们现在的情况呢?When happy, happy without end; when sorrowful, sorrowful without limit. Isn't this sentence a bit like our current situation?

11、何日君再来访,当面问君此去何方。The day will come when you return again; then I will ask face-to-face where you went this time.

12、一路风雨,一路歌舞。我总是这样凝望那些日升月沉无家可归的小船。Through wind and rain all along, through song and dance every step of the way. I always gaze at those small boats drifting aimlessly under sunrise and moonlight with no place to call home.

13、大概是因为每个人都会有一段时间不知道自己想要什么,也不知道自己需要什么,但这并不重要,因为最重要的是,我们要找到那个能让我们快乐的人或事物。Maybe it's because each person will have a period of time when they don't know what they want or need anything but that's not important because what's most important is finding someone or something that makes us happy.

14、一直以来,我都不明白为什么人们总是在谈论他们未来,而不是他们过去。但现在,我明白了一点,即使记忆被抹去了,它们仍然存在于我们的行为中。在某种程度上,这就是生活吧——不断向前,而同时又不能忘记我们的过去。不知是否有人同样思考过这个问题吗?I've never understood why people always talk about their future rather than their past until now. But now I understand something: even if memories are erased, they still exist in our actions somehow. That's life - constantly moving forward while also remembering our pasts.Is anyone else pondering this question?

标签: 平凡的世界经典语录百年孤独经典语录四月你好经典语录张小娴经典语录清明节经典语录