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2025-01-08 经典语录 0人已围观

简介励志名人偶像胡立阳:我是如何走红的 很多人认为自己很努力工作,我会说:“你很努力吗?可是你并没有讲话讲到嘴巴流血呀。” 我天生乐观,记得小时候跟别人打架,打到上下排牙齿都掉了,妈妈看到我的模样,心疼地哭了起来,可是我依旧很快乐。妈妈不解地问我为什么?我说:“牙齿都掉了,我从今以后就不用刷牙了。” 从事行销业,我们没有摆臭脸的资格,每天都要笑脸迎人。微笑是会传染的,只要你带着微笑,别人也会对你微笑







当面试新工作时,我告诉每个老板I like talking, everyone laughed. Then they asked me what else I wanted? I said I don't like complicated administrative work, so I hope there is less of it, and let me talk from morning till night, with the best benefits. Every boss laughed at that 3 requests but one boss didn't laugh he called other colleagues to ask me again. He thought these three requirements were too funny but not me because I'm serious.

Although many young people are looking for a job and trying their best to hide their weaknesses in order to get hired easily. But if you really want to be happy in your job then you must tell the truth about yourself and your abilities.

My story shows that even though my parents told me not to act strange or different from others when growing up as an adult I have always been determined to follow my own path even if it means being rejected by society.

When no one supports you only yourself can support you through thick and thin.

In conclusion my experience tells us that we should never listen to others advice blindly especially when they tell us something bad about our choices or decisions because most people are ordinary while we can choose be extraordinary by going against the flow of society which requires huge sacrifices but ultimately leads us towards success.

标签: 断舍离经典语录明天和意外的经典语录张爱玲经典语录四月你好经典语录余秋雨经典语录